Advanced Cable Management Solutions

Enhancing Power Generation and Distribution

Power Projects

Here are the key products and services they offer:

Turbines: Steam turbines, gas turbines, hydro turbines, and wind turbines.

Generators: Electrical generators for converting mechanical energy into electricity.

Solar Panels and Inverters: Photovoltaic panels and inverters for solar power plants.

For steam generation in thermal power plants.

For voltage regulation and power distribution.

Power lines, cables, switchgear, and transformers.

Cooling systems, fuel handling systems, pollution control devices, and backup power systems.

SCADA systems, control panels, sensors, and automation equipment.

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NWH KSAAE Assets-left-Photoroom


Advanced Cable Management Solutions

Innovating Power Generation and Distribution

NWH provides the necessary equipment, materials, and services for the development, construction, and operation of power generation projects. These suppliers support various types of power plants, including fossil fuel (coal, natural gas, oil), nuclear, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and other renewable energy projects.

Have Questions? Call Us: +974 4 442 9228

NWH is among the world’s leading renewable energy solutions providers.

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